As part of the Yoga Festival Davos (12 to 15 September), visitors can be inspired by a work of art to take a yoga class in the middle of the exhibition: In the painting ‘Davos railway station’, you can walk or travel in several directions, on the streets or even by train. At the yoga festival, there are also many ways in which yoga is taught by different teachers. However, every class has the same goal: to bring the moving spirit and mind into peace and balance. Yoga is not just about training our body, but about bringing a certain calmness to our mind so that clarity can emerge. In this yoga practice, you will experience calm, mindful Hatha yoga, allowing you to fully engage with your body and mind.
With yoga teacher Harriet Grachten.
In cooperation with Davos Health and yogaplaza Davos
Tickets and info: https://www.yogafestivaldavos.ch/