
The Collection of the Kirchner Museum Davos

Boasting a collection that is singular in the world, containing major works from the time of the Brücke, the war years 1915 to 1918 and the Swiss period, as well as an extensive documentary archive on the artist’s life and work, and a library on expressionism, the Kirchner Museum Davos is an important center for research and exhibitions related to classical modernism.

The collection is owned by the Ernst Ludwig Kirchner Foundation Davos. Thanks to generous gifts of Rosemarie and Roman Norbert Ketterer and the Benvenuta Family Foundation in 1992, and previous donations from municipal and private collections, it keeps an extensive collection of work by Ernst Ludwig Kirchner. Due to further important private donations after 1993, the Kirchner Museum now holds a representative selection of works from all the artist’s creative periods and main themes.